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Posts Tagged ‘workplace culture Edit’

Your Most Essential Now-Next Leadership Skill


This is a portrait of engagement transformation, your most essential now-next leadership skill:

  • Your intellectual head trips are silent; attention is simultaneously centered and divided between tasks and self, communication is clear and precise.
  • Your emotions are directly connected to purpose, passion and values, broadcasting positive frequencies to team members, and resilient in the midst of adversity and disruptions.
  • Your physical body is upright, relaxed, poised and grounded, activating better and faster decision making.

Intellectual + emotional + physical performance engaged in the present moment workflow = Engagement transformation

Leadership and employee engagement were important long before the topic started trending, and will continue to be critical long after the buzzword fades.

According to a recent report released by Gallup , 70% of the American workforce is not engaged, costing US organizations between $450 – $550 million each year in lost productivity. These numbers have been verified in countless other research studies, and have remained the same for as long as research has been conducted on the subject of engagement.

The Solution

Engagement transformation is the most essential skill, the solution to seizing opportunities, overcoming challenges & realizing goals.

 Whether we realize it or not, every effort to improve anything involves engagement transformation. Engagement transformation is the skill behind and above all skill development.

Organizations and the products and services they create, exist to transform some aspect of the customer’s engagement and performance. Successful companies actively train, develop, coach, empower and recognize engagement and performance in their leaders and employees.

Transformation Defined

Engagement” is the moment we become aware of and choose to step-up to challenges, opportunities and goals. Engaged leaders and employees sustain a continuous improvement mindset.

Performance” is everything that happens intellectually, emotionally and physically from the moment we engage, and as we move through the experience. The best leaders and employees know exactly how to align and integrate intellectual, emotional and physical performance into moment-to-moment workflow.

Transformation is improvement, development, positive change, doing and being better.

Three Core Areas of Engagement

Every leader and employee can learn how to align, engage and transform three areas of performance:

  • Intellectual Performance: Improving critical thinking, problem solving and verbal and written communication.
  • Emotional Performance: Improving how we experience, manage communicate and transform emotional states.
  • Physical Performance: Transforming negative reactions into better, faster choices and effectively managing stress.

No Accidents

An employee’s direct supervisor or manager is the most powerful influencer in determining performance quality. Transformation does not happen by accident or good intentions. With the right insights, tools and strategies, leadership, employee and customer engagement can be quickly transformed.

Real-Time Strategies

What exactly are you doing to guide, support and recognize your personal transformation?

What exactly is your manger-supervisor doing to guide, support and recognize employee engagement and performance transformation?

What exactly is your executive team and human resources department doing to guide, support and recognize employee engagement and performance transformation?

“Micro-manage yourself, lead others.” Michael Clark

Photo by John Laborde.

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